Africa Regional Collaborative Platform
Expertise Repository

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The Africa Regional Collaborative Platform – Expertise Repository, is a database of United Nations experts working within the UNDS in Africa. This publicly accessible repository acts as a one-stop-shop of Expertise and Experts from various UN Agencies. Built on best practice, the expertise locating tool facilitates the identification of expertise across the SDGs, OIBCs thematic areas, as well as experience in countries across the region.
Annamarie Kiaga
Yohannes HAILU
Jacques Seckene NDOUR
Teshome Yohannes KIFLE
Jean-Avenir Martial
Seny Roger YAO
Jeiza Barbosa
Jean-Paul GONDJE
Lulseged LEGESSE
Mbathio SAMB
Amdu Yirgetta YILMA
Lígia Maria Baldé
Luigi Limone
Mahaman Sanoussi Maman
Farhad Abdollahyan
Adrien Caumes
Experts by UN Agency

The regional expertise repository maps UN experts by agencies working in Africa

Experts by Professional Thematic Area

The regional expertise repository maps UN experts by thematic areas of work

Experts by SDG

The regional expertise repository maps experts by SDGs

Experts by SDG Focus Areas

The regional expertise repository maps experts by SDG focus areas

Experts by OIBC

The regional expertise repository maps UN experts working on each OIBC and Task Force

Experts by Duty Station

The regional expertise repository maps UN experts by duty stations across countries in Africa