Africa Regional Collaborative Platform
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Moctar Bouna DIOUF

Programme Management Officer

Ethiopia (ETH)
Addis Ababa

Brief information

Bachelor : Social & Behavioural science/ Political Science/ POLITICAL SCIENCE
Master : Economics and Programme Management


Countries of Work Experience

Section : N/A
UN Agency : UNECA
Country of Assignment : Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (ETH)


Moctar Bouna Diouf is a Programme Management Officer at the Office of the Director of the Regional Integration & Trade Division. His areas of expertise include programme/project planning and management, development finance, organizational development and political sciences. Prior to joining ECA, he worked as a Programme Management Officer for the United Nations Development Programme in Togo and Nigeria. Mr. Diouf was also a Senior Change Management Consultant in the Middle East/Africa (Telecom sector). He holds a M.A. in development and international cooperation (spec. Project Management) from the University of Bologna, Italy and a Bachelor in Political Science from the University of Montreal, Canada.

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