Africa Regional Collaborative Platform
Expertise Repository

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Paul Opio

Senior Regional Resilience Officer

Egypt (EGY)

Brief information


Countries of Work Experience

Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia, Djibouti, Eritrea, Uganda, South Sudan, Sudan, Rwanda, Tanzania, Egypt, Libya, Mauritania, Palestinian Territory, Jordan, Iraq, Morocco, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon

Section : Resilience Hub - Jordan
Division : Regional Office for Near East and North Africa
UN Agency : FAO
Country of Assignment : Cairo, Egypt (EGY)


Paul joined FAO Uganda in 2007 as livestock specialist for the Karamoja region where he designed and managed several emergency and rehabilitation projects. Since 2011, Paul is working with FAO Regional Office for Near East and North Africa as the Senior Regional Resilience Officer. He initially worked with Resilience Team for East Africa as Livestock and Pastoralism Advisor. Paul has more than twenty years of experience working with Regional institutions and Economic Communities in Eastern Africa (IGAD, East Africa Community), UN agencies and NGOs in providing support to countries on national, cross border, regional emergency and resilience programme. He has extensive experience in pastoralism, food security, dryland resilience, policy development and programming.
SDGs Expertise (Hover over the SDG image to view expert's key areas of focus.)
Areas of Expertise
  • Livestock
  • Pastoralism
  • Agriculture
  • Food Security
  • Resilience
Professional Categories
  • Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
OIBCs Expertise
  • OIBC 5.

    Fostering action on climate change, strengthening natural resources governance, resilience and enabling energy transitions for sustainable development
  • OIBC 1.

    Strengthened integrated data & statistical systems for sustainable development
  • Task Force 5.

    Regional efficiencies (Common back offices)
  • Task Force 2.

    Knowledge Management