Master's degree (BAC+5) holder in Audit and Corporate Finance, at IAEC (BK-University Group, Lomé-Togo), Author of the book "Internal control tools and their application to SME in the Central African Republic", published by European University Editions ( Jean-Avenir Martial POUNEYANGUE worked as Administrative and Financial Assistant for the UNODC project team in the Central African Republic (2019-2020 then 2022 to date), he was Expert in Financial Management within the Health Systems Support Project (PASS) financed by the World Bank in CAR. He held the position of Audit and Transparency Manager of the NGO ACTED in CAR (2015-2016) and served as Administrative and Financial Assistant for UNDP DDR program (2010-2012). Long before that, he held the position of Administrative and Financial Manager Deputy of the Support Project for Children in Difficulty financed by the European Union. He was Auditor Accountant and Finance at Office BCF (2005-2006) in CAR.
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SDGs Expertise (Hover over the SDG image to view expert's key areas of focus.)
Areas of Expertise
- Audit et Finance