Africa Regional Collaborative Platform
Expertise Repository

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Mekdes Asmare WORKNEH

Associate Budget Officer

Ethiopia (ETH)
Addis Ababa

Brief information

Bachelor : BA in Busness Administration and Economics
Bachelor : Management Information System


Countries of Work Experience

Section : N/A
UN Agency : UNECA
Country of Assignment : Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (ETH)


I am a highly organized and self-driven individual, passionate about developing my career in the field of administration, budget and financial Analysis. My commitment can be measured from the fact that I am an accredited holder of a MBA degree from Edinburgh Business School, Heriot-Watt University, U.K. and a B.Sc. degree in Management Information System. I am a Budget Officer with majority of my career with the United Nations. I have been working with the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa since 2001 and got opportunities to take temporary assignments to 3 different duty stations namely, UNECA/SRO-EA as an Admin. & Finance Officer (P-3), UNON as an Associate Finance & Budget Officer (P-2), and UNAKRT as a Budget/Finance Officer (P-2). I find that wherever I have worked, I take 3 key strengths with me: • Strong analytical, problem solving and interpersonal communication skills. • Excellent ability to meet deadlines by planning and organizing well in advance. • Achieving goals by working with various teams in a multi-cultural environment.

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