Brief information
Simon Mevel is Economic Affairs Officer in the African Trade Policy Centre (ATPC) within the Regional Integration and Trade Division (RITD) of the UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA). Prior to joining the UN in 2011, he had been working successively for the University of Pau (France), the Centre d’Etudes Prospectives et d’Informations internationales (CEPII) in Paris, the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and the World Bank, both in Washington DC. He has 20 years of experience in assessing trade and environmental reforms with a focus on development issues, and more than 40 publications to date. He has developed and conducted various capacity building programmes, particularly on trade policy analysis, in Africa, Asia and Latin America. He was awarded the Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP) Research Fellow distinction twice (for the period 2020-23 and 2024-27). Simon holds a PhD in international economics from the University of Bordeaux, France.
Publications Not Available
SDGs Expertise (Hover over the SDG image to view expert's key areas of focus.)
Areas of Expertise
Professional Categories
- Enviromental and Climate Sciences
- Economics, Business, Finance and Trade
- Energy and Natural Resources
- International Development
OIBCs Expertise
Strengthened integrated data & statistical systems for sustainable development -
Ensuring effective and efficient macroeconomic management & accelerated inclusive, economic transformation and diversification -
Harnessing demographic dividends through investments in youth and women empowerment for SDGs -
Leveraging new technologies and enabling digital transitions for inclusive growth and development -
Fostering action on climate change, strengthening natural resources governance, resilience and enabling energy transitions for sustainable development -
Towards peace, security, and the respect of human rights (focus on human rights) -
Task Force 2.
Knowledge Management -
Task Force 3.
Enhancing transparency and results-based management at the regional level -
Task Force 5.
Regional efficiencies (Common back offices)