Africa Regional Collaborative Platform
Expertise Repository

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Lulseged LEGESSE

Facilities Management Officer

Ethiopia (ETH)
Addis Ababa

Brief information

Master : MBA in Construction Management
Master : Master's in Architecture and Urbanism


Countries of Work Experience

Section : N/A
UN Agency : UNECA
Country of Assignment : Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (ETH)


My name is Lulseged Legesse and I’m a Facilities Management Officer in UNECA. I am a registered Practicing Professional Architect with BSc degree in Architecture and Urban Planning and a Masters Dergee (MBA) in Construction Management. I have extensive yet versatile experience in Design; Construction Supervision; Project Management and Facilities Management since 1997. I also have extensive experience in conducting training on computer graphics software. I am also an active member of the Association of Ethiopian Architects (AEA). I am currently managing the office space portfolio and several capital construction projects in Facilities Management Section of UNECA.

Publications Not Available

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