Ms. Souad Aden-Osman is the Executive Director of the CoDA secretariat housed in the African Union (AU) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and heads the secretariat of the High Level Panel on IFFs from Africa. In-addition to the roles mentioned above, Ms. Souad Aden Osman worked with the Deputy Executive Secretary and Chief Economist of the ECA. In this role, she has been responsible for the AUC-ECA-AfDB Joint Secretariat Support Office (JSSO) and the African Mineral Development Center. She also has been tasked with improving the functioning of the Management Support Committees of UNECA, particularly the Adhoc Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Matters. She has overseen the preparation and successful execution of major institutional initiatives involving the AU and AFDB related to climat change and natural resource management, such as African Development Forum 7 and 8. She currently coordinates the work of the Consortium of African to Stem IFFs from Africa and follows the implementation of the recommendations of the Panel. She co-chairs the IFF Working Group on IFFs from Africa. Ms. Aden-Osman has more than two decades of varied senior titles within the United Nations system and the Canadian government, as well as private sector institutions. Souad Aden-Osman is a Djiboutian-Canadian and holds an M.B.A in Management from the University of Ottawa.